When both of the girls turned four months old our pediatrician advised we could begin introducing solids. We introduced purees between four and five months. Both of my girls tried an variety of foods. Everything from squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, bananas, apples, mango, and avocados for example! We discovered Little Spoon baby food when Addie was born, and we absolutely LOVE their products. They use organic produce that is preservative free, and they do not use extreme cooking methods like high heat, so the nutrients stays intact. They are delivered to your door, and the best part is they contain great ingredients that I would normally never have thought to make for the girls (turmeric, coconut milk, pumpkin seed, and quinoa for example). This truly helps to create a well-rounded and adventurous little eater! When we first started feeding the girls we used a Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat. Once the girls started to use their hands a bit more I knew we needed to switch to a high chair.

Some of the signs that your baby may be ready is that they are six months of age, can sit unassisted or with minimal help, have good head/trunk control, can bring their hands/toys to their mouth, leans towards food when sitting, and are tracking things with their eyes. Both Kennedy and Addie had checked off all of these boxes so we felt comfortable moving forward with solids in a high chair.
We didn’t register for a high chair with Kennedy because at the time feeding solids was so far from my mind during pregnancy. I wanted to make sure I had researched all of the options before I committed to just any item. I wanted something that not only looked modern and sleek in our kitchen and dining room area, but was also easy to tuck away. Of course the most important must-have was the ability to grow with them as they grew from infancy through toddler stage. Well, thank goodness for Instagram. Through other mommy bloggers I was able to find Oribel.

I came across the Oribel Cocoon High Chair. I was excited to see that it was able to provide all the features I was looking for and had great reviews. They had a slate version that perfectly meshed with the neutral tones of our house, it can stow away easily when not in use, and it has multiple height and recline settings so it could grow with both of my girls.
We have used our Cocoon High Chair with Kennedy from ages 6 months to 2.5 years until it was needed for our second daughter, Adeline. The chair has three recline positions along with six different heigh adjustments. Not only did it come with a large tray for self feeding, it also came with a food/cup holder if you don’t need to use the large tray. We often even removed the tray and pulled the chair right up to our dining room table when Kennedy was old enough to eat from a plate with a fork on her own!
The only issue I have with the entire high chair is the mess the girls make when they eat. I know this is a totally normal part of feeding little ones, and honestly food rarely ends up on the floor which is such a blessing. However, Addie loves to wiggle her hands around when they are covered with food, and it can get into the cracks of the white casing on the legs. A bit more scrubbing for Mom than I’d prefer. But overall, we love our high chair and use it daily. Definitely, a mom approved product! I am very excited to share some of my favorite kid-approved, healthy snacks that we have been whipping up around the house soon. So subscribe and stay tuned! You can check out some other products I love on my Instagram.