2020. It is hard to believe that it is almost the end of yet another decade. For some reason ringing in this new year feels like a bigger deal. A new decade, providing a fresh start for many… more than just your typical new year. That is why it is so important to reflect on this new decade, and begin to prioritize what lies ahead.
Before we dive into vision boards, I want to discuss my passion for positive visualization. The power of positive visualization is really something that impacts you physically. Every step you take, when you stand or sit, pick up a toy, touch you hair… every movement, requires a conscious or subconscious image within your mind. These images signal your brain to take that specific action. This same power is applied to things you want to attract into your life. I have studied, and read many books on the impact of positive visualization; both its impacts on success and overall happiness. The secret is creating a mental image of what you want. Professional athletes do this often – they visualize themselves executing a specific physical action during a practice or game until they then perfect it. You can do this too! Long story short, your (positive) emotions drive the force behind your visualization, and ultimately lead to the manifestation of your goals.
Vision boards are tools that help to focus the mind on specific life goals. They are really any sort of arrangement of images and words that display what you want to do, where you want to go, what you would love for your life, etc. Creating a vision board and providing daily reminders (positive imagery) for your mind to focus on will inevitably help you to achieve those goals you’ve set for yourself by in time actually believing they are possible.
Many people go into a new year with resolutions that last a few weeks or months before they lose their momentum. With vision boards the effort is minimal and the impact long-lasting. There are so many different ways to put together your vision board, so stick to the method you feel would keep your mind centered. Here are seven steps to help you create your perfect vision board.

- Reflect. On your past year, past decade, or however long you see fit. Ask yourself: What is good in my life? What went well this year? What’s not working? What do I want to accomplish? How will I put this into action?
- Plan Your Goals. Once you’ve broken down these questions, you can focus in on your specific goals. I find it helpful to be as specific as possible so I can stay motivated. Think about the different aspects of your life and how you can improve them: Relationships, health, spirituality, recreation, finances, career, education, and home life. You don’t have to create a goal for each area of your life, but choose maybe 2-3 and set goals on how to better those areas.
- Create A Theme. This is where you prioritize your goals, and decide what you want to be the focus of your vision board. You can come up with a mantra or question you want to focus on over the next year.
- Design. After deciding on the theme, you must now come up with the format for your vision board. Do you want to make it physical or electronic? Physical boards are typically poster board or cork board; anything that you can hang on a wall and have displayed throughout the year. If the electronic route is more your speed, you can create a Pinterest board, a word document, or even fill you phone/ computer background with imagery to focus on in the year ahead.
- Collect. Now is the time for you to pull out magazines, photos, and get searching online for things that inspire you and correspond with each of your goals. You can write out positive affirmations, as well as find quotes from your favorite books or movies that will keep you motivated, and are relevant to your theme.
- Put It All Together. Once you have selected your photos and phrases, you can now arrange everything in a way that is inspiring to you. You can get creative here and experiment with a layout that works best for your goals.
- Use Your Vision Board. Place your vision board where you can see it everyday. Remember, the goal of the board is to act as a visual reminder of what you CAN and CARE to accomplish. Your board can be private, but it should be accessible to you and somewhere you will see it.
I hope your vision board helps you start 2020 off right! Remember, the act of creating your vision boards doesn’t only have to transpire in the midst of transitioning from one year to the next. If you need to refocus your goals, a new goal emerges, or you achieve a goal in the middle of the year, adjust your existing board, or make another! There are no rules, it is all up to you! Just remember to have your “20/20 vision” in 2020 friends!